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Our staff are at the heart of everything we do, and we recognise the valuable contribution made by every colleague within our Aston Villa family. We are one Club, one team.

  Across our Club, everyone has their own part to play in our overall success.

Scroll down to meet some of our team and hear about what a Day in the Life is like in their jobs with us.


Tom, Lead U12-16 Youth Development Phase Coach

Tom, Lead U12-16 Youth Development Phase Coach

​​Tell us about a typical day in your role?

A typical day in my role varies from day to day so this can be anything from planning and preparing for training sessions, to meetings about the players or meetings with the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) to plan not just one session in particular, but the next six weeks and to reflect on that.

If it is a school release day, then the boys come in from around 2.30pm to start training and then we will work with the boys so they will do education and athletic development which is supervised by us and then training sessions on the grass from 4.30 – 7.30pm. It is a constant cycle of plan, do and review so planning what we are going to do, deliver what we are doing and then the next day reviewing what we have done.

Alongside that, we must keep up to date with our qualifications that are required by the FA and EDI.

Game days are a little different so for my particular age group you could be travelling anywhere within the country for a fixture or you could be at home where we can do pre-match analysis, deliver the game and reviewing the game afterwards. That’s a continuous part of our programme. 

What is the best thing about working at AVFC?

The best thing about working at AVFC is the environment that we’re in, the challenging side of it and the continuous development; the best part is that we are learning all the time! Also being given the opportunities to learn externally, so I am currently on a Premier League Leads course at the moment so being given that opportunity with the support of the Club is great. The people at the Club plays a big role – the people are enjoyable to work with.

I also support AVFC so that’s another bonus!

Callum, Physical Performance Coach Lead

Callum, Physical Performance Coach Lead

Tell us about a typical day in your role?

A typical day in my role starts by meeting with our physio to ensure we are up to date on all rehabs/return to plays, address anything that's flagged from our wellness/loading reports and finalise player availabilities for the afternoon/evening sessions. This is followed by our U21's technical staff meeting to discuss the afternoon session, any potential changes and finalise our physical metrics/timings with staff. The early afternoon consists of prepping the players hydration, setting up their physical performance prep inside, and pitch warm up outside. These prep sessions and warm ups change dependant on how far we are from our next match day, and what corresponding physical components that's associated with. The session itself is always the highlight of the day, even during those cold winters. After the pitch session, the squads in the gym twice a week, with nutrition supplies, programs and cars all heading from our site up to the Women's First Team gym which we're fortunate enough to use. 
The gym sessions are one of my favourite parts of the job, and I really enjoy the opportunities for learning, progression, and building team culture in that space. After the gym session is done and the players head home, we reflect on the programs and loads from the day. I prepare the GPS report from the days pitch session for technical staff and log some physical loading information in various tracking documents. 
On Tuesday and Thursdays, when the U21's don't have gym, I lead on the U16's physical prep/warm up and have a team of physical performance staff to support the wider age groups across our YDP department. We then set up our U13, 14 and 16's gym sessions within the Boy's Academy space, held after the pitch session at 8:30pm. It's a big group with an average of 45 players, but we have a great system and team of staff in place to support in the development of all players throughout the course of these long evenings. 

What is the best thing about working at Aston Villa Football Club?

The best thing about working for Aston Villa is being surrounded by like-minded, driven individuals who love what they do, and are very talented in their respective fields of work. We're fortunate enough t have some of the best players in the country within our pathway and it's exciting to be a part of their development and journey towards achieving their dreams. 

Jodie, Receptionist

Jodie, Receptionist

Tell us about a typical day in your role?

My typical day is sitting at the North Stand Reception desk and meeting and greeting anybody that comes through the door, directing them in the right direction. A large part of my day would also include answering calls and transferring them or providing the caller with information when possible. I also work on a Matchday, where I meet and greet people and assist with the collection of tickets.

What is the best thing about working at AVFC?

Everybody works together so well and is so pleasant and friendly. We all help each other to ensure it runs smoothly; teamwork makes the dream work.

Eve, Senior Marketing Executive

Eve, Senior Marketing Executive

​​Tell us about a typical day in your role?

A typical day for me will involve meeting with members of the Marketing team to plan various aspects of upcoming campaigns, organising fan entertainment for matchdays, and supporting other departments with Marketing needs for their events. It also usually involves at least 3 cups of coffee…!

What is the best thing about working at AVFC?

The best thing about working at Aston Villa is the range of tasks I am involved in and the scope for ideas is huge! The Club is growing and so is the ambition, so it is a really exciting time to be involved in the likes of major events, global tours, and the stadium redevelopment.

Fady, Neighbourhood Lead

Fady, Neighbourhood Lead

Tell us about a typical day in your role?

I oversee a £1million Home Office funded programme with the Youth Endowment Fund who are a ‘what works’ organisation looking at reducing serious youth violence in some of the most deprived parts of Birmingham. Through our Neighbourhood Fund we want to understand if and how empowering local communities to make decisions about their neighbourhoods can prevent children from becoming involved in violence. I would typically engage with my steering group which consists of representatives from West Midlands Police, Birmingham City Council, Birmingham Children’s trust, local residents, and those working in local schools, to support implement our action plan in reducing youth violence over the next 3 years of the programme. I also collaborate with 2 different universities across the nation and an evaluative research laboratory who collectively work together to evaluate and assess the development and progression of our project in Birmingham to conduct findings and academic learnings throughout.

What is the best thing about working at AVFC?

The friendliness of everyone around the club! But also, the amount of opportunities made available to everyone. As I currently sit on Aston Villa’s EDI working group aiming to embed it’s core values and ethics amongst the club as a whole. I also organise staff football for all AVFC’s staff members on a weekly basis as well, I mean playing football every week, what’s not there to love?

Pat, Matchday Deputy Senior

Pat, Matchday Deputy Senior

Tell us about a typical day in your role?

A typical day in my matchday role would include, firstly, undertaking a visual check of my area which includes the concourse, toilets, walkaways, staircases, checking for water leaks or spillages, seating, checking the fire cupboards, emergency phones. All done to complete a visual risk assessment; recording and reporting any problems if there are any. These would be escalated up to my Senior or the control room before the public enter the stadium.

Another part of my day would be welcoming supporters into the stand and to be observant during the game. I would watch the crowd, not the match!

What is the best thing about working at AVFC?

Togetherness. All working to ensure the customer has a good lasting impression of OUR Football Club.

Debbie, Sales/General Ledger Supervisor

Debbie, Sales/General Ledger Supervisor

Tell us about a typical day in your role?

My typical day would involve downloading and preparing bank statements along with checking through orders in preparation for the invoices to be raised. I’d ensure all items on the bank statement are posted to the correct codes and Account Numbers. Then run an outstanding account report to check for any overdue invoices that require chasing. I would additionally deal with any outstanding queries and any that arise on the day.

I also have an amazing team that assist me with achieving all these daily tasks.

What is the best thing about working at AVFC?

All departments are helpful and friendly and will always assist when needed. I always feel proud when I am asked where I work.

Derek, Security Compliance Officer

Derek, Security Compliance Officer

Tell us about a typical day in your role?

I guard the entrance of the North Stand and I help anybody that comes through the doors if need be. I help with guests coming in for functions – I help with directing people where to go if they’re lost, I check accreditation to make sure the right people are coming through.

It’s honestly amazing because of how many amazing people I’d meet in my role. Not just staff but the public, VIPs, even His Majesty the King!

What is the best thing about working at AVFC?

That’s it; meeting people, especially matchdays. Friends become family, it’s like you’re coming home.

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